Data Analysis and Research

Data Analysis and Research

This course is tailored for Managers or those who deal with business data from day to day business operations, or for those who need to take a survey. This is not a serious theoretical course, instead it’s a course designed mostly through active participation and hands-on training.

Most of the participants will become users of market research rather than specialists in research, thus the course will emphasize research as an aid to management decision making.

Core objective of this course is, to foster a primary level ability to develop, execute and interpret market research.Contents of Training:

Module 1
Table Interpretation
Generating Graph
Drawing Conclusion
Assignment: Writing a summary on the given tables

Module 2
Questionnaire Development
Coding & Retranslation
Introduction to Analysis software
Analysis & Data Entry
Generating Data Tables
Descriptive Analysis, Correlation, Trend Analysis & Regression

Module 3
MR Brief / Drafting the problem
Sample size selection
Defining Target Respondents by Demo Variables
Sampling Technique

Module 4
Types of MR (Quanti-Quali)
Some Common Market Research studies
Future of Market Research & Rise of Consumer Insight Industry
Question/ Answer Session