How to duplicate the category submenu in admin panel of wordpress

Stack Overflow

This is my first try at php. Trying to create a custom shortcode in wordpress to call custom metadata and put it inside a page content. It worked fine without the function wpsl_staff() { echo …

tagged: php, wordpress, shortcode Feb 14 at 11:17
Stack Overflow

I have created a section on home where i am showing 6 post starting from offset 3 and below that i add a custom pagination code. I have total 93 published post and as i set offset 3 so the pagination …

tagged: php, wordpress, post, pagination Feb 14 at 6:00
Stack Overflow

As the codex of wordpress says admin_enqueue_scripts can load scripts and styles for admin panel but i can do it. Below is my codes function the_foody_load_admin_css() { wp_register_style( ‘…

tagged: php, wordpress, admin Feb 14 at 16:54
Stack Overflow

I make MathJax work with WordPress by adding the following code to footer.php. It works for simple math symbols and equations. <script type=”text/x-mathjax-config”> MathJax.Hub.Config({ …

tagged: html, wordpress, mathjax, backslash Feb 14 at 14:18
Stack Overflow

So I have a predicament. I am trying to create a menu on a page in which it lists ALL the categories, not just the one the specific post is assigned to. For example, I have 4 categories (category1, …

tagged: php, jquery, html, css, wordpress Feb 13 at 19:21
Stack Overflow

im having trouble with getting actual value of woocommerce cart to the value of input. Always im getting the value with the currency symbol at the end of the string, so the result looks like “11.50 $” …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce Feb 14 at 16:43
Stack Overflow

I decided to ask this question because there is no simple answer to it. I have a contact form in my home.php which looks like: HTML: <form id=”js-calculator” name=”calculator” action=”” …

tagged: php, mysql, ajax, wordpress, forms Feb 14 at 11:59
Stack Overflow

My current application is on WordPress. I have now re-created my application with Ruby on rails 4.2.4. My WordPress application has 4 years of posts that I would like to move to my Rails application. …

tagged: wordpress, ruby-on-rails-4, migration, seed Feb 14 at 13:45
Stack Overflow

I’m working on a site that sells tickets. I created a custom fields for Woo Checkout where the number of Attendee fields are based on the ticket quantity in cart. That part was a pain but it works. …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, checkout Feb 14 at 11:55
Stack Overflow

I have a wordpress blog with the following URL However i noticed that for SEO Reasons it would be better to have a structure like: …

tagged: php, wordpress, .htaccess, redirect Feb 13 at 18:47
Stack Overflow

I’m currently trying to send data to the same page using the selected value in a table row. The user selection gets highlighted and then when the button’s onsubmit event is fired, the script is run. …

tagged: php, jquery, ajax, wordpress, post Feb 14 at 16:31
Stack Overflow

I’m using the WooCommerce REST API ( and have added a new field (shipping_phone) to the checkout page using their example here: …

tagged: php, wordpress, rest, woocommerce-rest-api Feb 14 at 11:38
Stack Overflow

I am using google charts ,found syntax error Unexpected Token { <script type=”text/javascript” src=”“></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> …

tagged: javascript, php, wordpress, google-chartwrapper Feb 14 at 14:38
Stack Overflow

I’m using “Rocket Lazy Load” plugin to lazy loading my images but it is incompatible with sliders. In the plugin page in, is said: you should add ‘data-no-lazy=”1″‘ property to your …

tagged: php, wordpress Feb 14 at 4:40
Stack Overflow

This function is located in the class WC_Abstract_Order (core files) /* Checks if an order needs payment, based on status and order total. * * @return bool */ public function needs_payment() { …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, status, orders Feb 13 at 19:15
Stack Overflow

I am trying to remove the default divs that are wrapped around with the WordPress Social Login plugin. This is what is output by default: <div class=”wp-social-login-widget”> <div …

tagged: php, html, css, wordpress, function Feb 14 at 15:12
Stack Overflow

I’m sort of a newbie and can’t figure out why two arrows are showing on the dropdown menu. I want to remove the middle arrow, but if that’s not possible I would like to remove all arrows from dropdown …

tagged: javascript, jquery, css, wordpress Feb 14 at 0:32
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to understand how WooCommerce hooks works. I’ve removed the product tabs, but I’m trying to re-add in the description in one column and in the other column try to add related products based …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, hook-woocommerce Feb 13 at 19:33
Stack Overflow

How to create a second category menu like Seminars >> seminars >> create new seminars >> seminar categories and then I want to duplicate seminar categories and make it Seminar venues with inside …

tagged: php, wordpress, categories Feb 14 at 8:52
Stack Overflow

I’ve issues to display google maps inside a wordpress post type archive. Using toolset to create post types and custom fields, I take the latitude e longitude from toolset Here is my function …

tagged: wordpress, google-maps, custom-post-type