
The Money Advice I Wish I Learned Sooner  
The Money Advice I Wish I Learned Sooner  
Kristin Wong, Two Cents
You’ve probably heard this personal finance cliche: pay yourself first. Essentially, this means you take your income and put it toward your basic living necessities first, then automatically save the rest or put it toward your financial goals, like getting out of debt. The idea is that if you “pay yourself first,” you don’t give yourself a chance to blow your money on other stuff.
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This Is Not a Drill
This Is Not a Drill
David Frum, The Atlantic
The firing of FBI director James Comey poses a question: Will the law answer to the president, or the president to the law?
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Behind Comey's Firing: An Enraged Trump, Fuming About Russia
Behind Comey’s Firing: An Enraged Trump, Fuming About Russia
Josh Dawsey, Politico
The president deliberated for more than a week before ousting the FBI chief who was investigating Trump associates.
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The Japanese Skill Copied by the World
The Japanese Skill Copied by the World
Steve John Powell, BBC
Mindfulness has become trendy around the world in recent years – but in Japan, it’s been ingrained into the culture for centuries.
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A Stanford Researcher's 15-Minute Study Hack Lifts B+ Students Into the As
A Stanford Researcher’s 15-Minute Study Hack Lifts B+ Students Into the As
Jenny Anderson, Quartz
One novel solution researchers find helps kids to perform better is to get them to think about how they think—metacognition—and have them strategize how they study.
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Why Liberals Aren’t as Tolerant as They Think
Why Liberals Aren’t as Tolerant as They Think
Matthew Hutson, Politico
The political left might consider itself more open-minded than the right. But research shows that liberals are just as prejudiced against conservatives as conservatives are against liberals.
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The Mongols Built an Empire With One Technological Breakthrough
The Mongols Built an Empire With One Technological Breakthrough
Esther Inglis-Arkell, Ars Technica
The humble stirrup was a game-changing invention that altered history.
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This Guy Fixed His Teeth by 3D Printing His Own Plastic Braces for $60
This Guy Fixed His Teeth by 3D Printing His Own Plastic Braces for $60
Nathan McAlone, Business Insider
An undergraduate at New Jersey Institute of Technology made his own plastic braces using a 3D printer, $60 of materials, and a healthy dose of ingenuity — and they actually worked.