javascript, php, jquery, wordpress

Stack Overflow

I was using WordPress and later I backup my all data and database to move it into another computer. I moved all my files in www directory in wamp server. Everything was fine but I encountered an …

tagged: php, mysql, database, wordpress Mar 26 at 18:20
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to add a footer widget but get this error: An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again. The widget trying to post to /admin-ajax.php and get this response back: {“…

tagged: wordpress Mar 26 at 19:34
Stack Overflow

I have made a Custom Post Type in WordPress. I want to show a label on the articles with the post type name. I do this with: <?php echo get_post_type(); ?> It outputs the English name. Now I …

tagged: wordpress, translation, custom-post-type Mar 26 at 17:07
Stack Overflow

I want to know can I use WordPress theme on my laravel 5.4 project? If I can then How? Please Help me , thanks.

tagged: css, wordpress, laravel, themes Mar 26 at 15:39
Stack Overflow

I am looking to use the title of the actual widget within the register_sidebar so whatever they use as the title of the widget it will be applied to the code below: register_sidebar(array( ‘name’ …

tagged: wordpress, widget, sidebar Mar 26 at 17:10
Stack Overflow

I have been looking for over 6 hours now for a wordpress plugin that allows you to add to menu items a rating system where a customer click stars and then it add it to over people voted and shows the …

tagged: wordpress Mar 26 at 2:39
Stack Overflow

I am trying to create tabs using semantic UI tabs and get content via an ajax call. I looked into the documentation but could’t figure out a way to get the content from my wordpress site. I want to …

tagged: ajax, wordpress, semantic-ui Mar 26 at 13:50
Stack Overflow

I tried this: $.ajax({ url: ‘mysite/wp-json/products’, type: ‘GET’, headers: { ‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer mytoken’, ‘Accept’:’application/json’, …

tagged: json, wordpress, wordpress-rest-api Mar 25 at 22:55
Stack Overflow

I hoped someone could help me on my way with WP ALL Import. I have a large XML. Products are in groups. But some groups have subgroups. So I need a custom function to iterate through the subgroups. …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, wpallimport Mar 26 at 19:43
Stack Overflow

I created a plugin which adds a button to the wordpress admin bar. It works fine on the full sized admin bar, but on the responsive bar the button disappears. How do I display the button on the …

tagged: wordpress Mar 26 at 15:40
Stack Overflow

How to get all the features hanging hook woocommerce_single_product_summary on the edit page of the product? global $wp_filters; Not working.

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, hook-woocommerce Mar 25 at 23:53
Stack Overflow

I am using the below code to delete the rows from an ACF repeater field with expired date and when the number of rows reaches zero then update the post to draft mode or private mode. But somethings …

tagged: php, wordpress, advanced-custom-fields Mar 26 at 12:07
Stack Overflow

I have wpml plugin installed for multilingual purpose of project. It’s working quite fine but pagination won’t work for default language(english) while it’s working perfectly fine for another …

tagged: wordpress, pagination, wpml Mar 26 at 9:05
Stack Overflow

my WordPress site is: At the top of the page you see a scoreboard widget which is a feature from a plugin called SportsPress Pro. Each match has a link already which …

tagged: php, jquery, wordpress Mar 26 at 2:52
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to add a div wrapper around each image in my WordPress blog and trying to achieve this using DOMDocment in my functions.php. Unfortunately, only the closing tag of my wrapper is applied to …

tagged: php, wordpress, domdocument Mar 26 at 15:08
Stack Overflow

I have a WordPress website with an existing theme and content. In one page I have a div with a video background and a text in the foreground. I want to add a parallax effect by some jQuery code. I can …

tagged: wordpress, parallax Mar 26 at 6:01
Stack Overflow

I’m building a wordpress theme using bootstrap for a little weekend side project and I’ve been running into an issue with wp_nav_menu. Here is what my code looks like for my header.php: <header …

tagged: wordpress, twitter-bootstrap, wordpress-theming Mar 25 at 21:17
Stack Overflow

I was trying to load a parallax jQuery file but eventhough it’s loaded in the index file, it doesn’t trigger anything… Not even a simple alert(‘test’) functions.php function theme_scripts() { …

tagged: javascript, php, jquery, wordpress Mar 26 at 19:06
Stack Overflow

<?php for($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $ap = get_post_meta($post->ID,’sub_seminars_’.$i.’_start_date’,true); $startdate = date(“Ymd”, strtotime($ap)); $todaydate = date(“Ymd”); …

tagged: php, wordpress, repeater, advanced-custom-fields Mar 26 at 5:43
Stack Overflow

If you are familiar with WordPress and WooCommerce I could use a lil help figuring out a solution to manually updating our titles every time we do price changes. Our current price set up has a …

tagged: php, jquery, wordpress, dynamic, woocommerce
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol