login post request to wordpress

Stack Overflow

Some Details: I have a custom post type with a slug called ‘residential. There’s a taxonomy associated with this custom post type with a slug of ‘residential_project_type’ Inside this taxonomy there …

tagged: wordpress, custom-taxonomy Apr 10 at 21:07
Stack Overflow

i started a tutorial on wordpress plugins and i came across this issue when i made a custom taxonomy: Error Message The code is as follows: main.php //Exit if accessed directly …

tagged: php, wordpress, categories, taxonomy Apr 11 at 15:57
Stack Overflow

When installing the W3 total cache plugin my website shows blank page. I checked the .htaccess. I also tried wp super cache plugin. This plugin also shows the same error when cache is enabled. Kindly …

tagged: wordpress, http-status-code-500, w3-total-cache Apr 11 at 5:09
Stack Overflow

I am new to woocommerce and I do not have much knowledge about that. In a project I want to hide shipping calculation button from cart page.but want to show the same configuration with button on …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce Apr 10 at 15:27
Stack Overflow

I have a page with 4 bootstrap tabs. Each tab is to contain custom post type posts form a different category. 4 categories, 4 tabs. This should be really easy using in_category(); but for some …

tagged: php, wordpress, custom-post-type, category Apr 10 at 13:08
Stack Overflow

In the wordpress while creating a new page/post the url gives this error. (string(64) ” SELECT * FROM wp_termmeta WHERE term_id=” && meta_key=’owner’ “) Screenshot is also added. Need help …

tagged: wordpress Apr 10 at 10:06
Stack Overflow

Custom post type owl slider showing properly,am creating custom post type and using owl carousel slider register function, but short code loop working properly.. custom owl slider short code …

tagged: php, wordpress, slider, owl-carousel Apr 10 at 8:06
Stack Overflow

My website:http://www.telotrovo.it/ I want googlemap on my second page(“Cerca sulla mappa”).But my map is loading and loading.I can’t able to see my map. ReferenceError: refresh_marker is not defined …

tagged: jquery, wordpress, google-maps Apr 10 at 8:13
Stack Overflow

In WordPress, there is a function wp_get_sidebars_widgets() that spits out a multidimensional array of all registered sidebar ID’s with their children active widget IDs. For context, this is a sample …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 11 at 17:43
Stack Overflow

I have created a custom post type using Custom Post Type UI (wordpress plugin). There is no post option in custom posts edit page. when i view that post i can’t find the sidebar. Is there any possible …

tagged: wordpress Apr 10 at 10:57
Stack Overflow

I have an URL indexed as http://site_url/page_slug/downloads/file.pdf. That was a wrongly added relative path by some developer. Now I have fixed the broken link but this URL in WordPress internally …

tagged: php, wordpress, redirect Apr 10 at 14:38
Stack Overflow

I am losing customers and money every day due to this issue. I have tried htaccess rewrites and folder persmission changes. I have tried everything under the sun. Please help me get rid of this issue. …

tagged: php, ajax, wordpress, .htaccess, woocommerce Apr 9 at 23:12
Stack Overflow

I have WooCommerce running with WordPress deployed on Google App Engine Flex PHP environment, which is a Read-Only file system. WooCommerce > System Status // WordPress environment — Log directory …

tagged: wordpress, google-app-engine, woocommerce Apr 11 at 19:44
Stack Overflow

Moving an WordPress SSL site to a dev server. Deleted the certificate. Change the domain name through mysql. Getting this error. What else would I need to do to fix this? Something on my end through …

tagged: wordpress Apr 10 at 12:26
Stack Overflow

I need to change the text “Account username”,Account password”, and the placeholder texts in those fields from the checkout page. Can anyone please help me regarding this? Thanks.

tagged: wordpress, forms, woocommerce, checkout Apr 11 at 5:09
Stack Overflow

I have set up XAMPP and WordPress on a local virtual machine whose IP is While I try to access the front page ( entering “” in the browser), the URL gets changed …

tagged: wordpress, xampp Apr 10 at 7:44
Stack Overflow

I’m a student who is working on a web application/website for a group project. We’re using Java for the logic (because we have to), a MySQL database, and WordPress for our website. We set up a …

tagged: wordpress, soap Apr 11 at 0:23
Stack Overflow

In WooCommerce, I need to get order ID right in checkout page of WooCoommerce, before payment, when the order is created. I look at all sessions and tried to find out when order goes for payment in …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, checkout, hook-woocommerce Apr 10 at 6:55
Stack Overflow

I am currently trying to set something up that allows me to sort of remote log into wordpress, im not sure if im going about it right or if it’s possible but it seems to be from a few things i’ve …

tagged: php, wordpress, curl Apr 10 at 14:07
Stack Overflow

I followed this article to enable flexsliderhttps://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/adding-a-responsive-jquery-slider-to-your-wordpress-theme–wp-27914 I found they use font-awesome rather than image for …

tagged: javascript, jquery, css, wordpress, flexslider
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol