php, html, css, wordpress, menu

Stack Overflow

I am trying to do some actions before submitting contact form 7 data. I am stuck at the point where i try to test the function prior to going live. I have tried all suggested solutions but …

tagged: php, wordpress, contact-form-7 Apr 26 at 13:10
Stack Overflow

I have made ajax call in WP Here is the code /*COMPARE AJAX*/ if(!function_exists(‘re_add_compare’)){ #compare toggling function re_add_compare() { $post_ids_arr = array(); $…

tagged: php, ajax, wordpress Apr 25 at 7:00
Stack Overflow

When you view an order in back-end there is a drop down list a the right side “Order actions”. I was wondering how to remove some of these actions? I just need “Resend Processing order” – everything …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, order, action Apr 26 at 14:51
Stack Overflow

A client of mine has been messing with the permalinks in my WordPress site. The Archives used to work, Now they dont. I can see the URL needs to be : 2017/03 But when clicked, It produces the URL …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 26 at 15:34
Stack Overflow

I’m doing a one page WordPress site and I have some trouble with getting the right heading for each section. I only get the last post… I have the static setting checked in the readings settings. I’m …

tagged: wordpress Apr 26 at 18:25
Stack Overflow

New php guy here, so I apologize if I’m using the wrong words or terminology. I’m working on an old site that has a custom WordPress taxonomy: …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 26 at 15:39
Stack Overflow

I’m developing a plugin over woocommerce. I want when a order is completed some custom fields to be filled. After that I want to add those custom fields to the email sent to the client. I have used …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, hook-woocommerce Apr 25 at 10:45
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to add custom css to my wordpress website and missing the custom-class and custom-id fields in the editing options of my Unyson page builder. How do I make theme appear? the fields are …

tagged: css, wordpress Apr 26 at 12:20
Stack Overflow

I am kind of new in WP. I installed WP locally through Mamp 4.1.1 , uploaded my theme successfully. I can create pages but they neither preview nor publish them. I only see an empty WP theme with my …

tagged: wordpress, apache, mamp Apr 25 at 17:36
Stack Overflow

I created a field to choose a label for a highchart on wordpress backoffice like this: public static function sm_register_chart() { $charts = array(); if( function_exists( ‘…

tagged: javascript, php, wordpress, highcharts, label Apr 26 at 11:36
Stack Overflow

I am using Advanced Custom Fields to return the url location of Category images. Which would allow me to add the Category image before the title of the post. I have a function …

tagged: wordpress, image, advanced-custom-fields, taxonomy-terms Apr 25 at 18:58
Stack Overflow

In Gravity Forms, I would like to have a single line text, or a number field. But I want to include an image and or text above the field to describe it. I need this all in one ‘block’. So, kind of …

tagged: wordpress, gravity-forms-plugin Apr 25 at 0:57
Stack Overflow

Everytime I fire my custom action an success message “Order updated” is displayed. Is there a way to hide this message after firing custom order action? For example if my action do not process? …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce Apr 26 at 0:42
Stack Overflow

I use a CSS framework and a custom menu for wordpress : <?php $menuParameters = array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘menu-1’, ‘menu_id’ => ‘primary-menu’, …

tagged: php, html, css, wordpress, menu Apr 25 at 14:28
Stack Overflow

I have had a look at all the other posts about this online but can not get this to work. I have set up some custom times and then a custom schedule but it is just not working. Here is my code. //set …

tagged: php, wordpress, cron Apr 25 at 13:44
Stack Overflow

I have this website which i want to replace because its outdated, we made a new website. But as always before uploading the new website to the live environment i make a backup of the current live …

tagged: php, wordpress, security, malware Apr 26 at 14:52
Stack Overflow

Recently I’ve been working on a website for my client. I want to make clear that I’m not a proffessional webdeveloper, I’m a designer with some basic coding skills. I’ve created some simillar …

tagged: html, css, wordpress, internet-explorer, microsoft-edge Apr 26 at 15:04
Stack Overflow

I have a hierarchical custom tax (woocom products) and I am trying to build some breadcrumbs. I found get_ancestors() and am thinking of using that for the terms, but once I get down to a product I …

tagged: wordpress, custom-taxonomy Apr 25 at 23:24
Stack Overflow

Hy guys, I´m trying to show a modal image after the client send a form in my wordpress site. Righ now I have an alert prompt, this is the Jquery function <script type=”text/javascript”> …

tagged: javascript, jquery, wordpress, forms, bootstrap-modal Apr 26 at 21:19
Stack Overflow

I’ve been struggling a lot to figure out how I could go about implementing the Coauthor Plus plugin to a WordPress site running the Extra theme by Elegant Themes. The issue is that it requires …

tagged: php, wordpress, plugins
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol