removing the contents of the element javascript

Stack Overflow

I want to use JQueri UI Autocomplete for my search field in wordpress but it doesn’t work and I got no erorrs. so I called all needed files like this in my file functions.php : function …

tagged: wordpress, search, jquery-ui-autocomplete Mar 10 at 11:17
Stack Overflow

I’ve created two custom post types called ‘Customers’ and ‘Rating’. Now I can save the data of the customers and the ratings. But what I want is that whenever a visitor vote a rating on the frontend …

tagged: php, wordpress, custom-post-type, rating-system, post-meta Mar 10 at 8:44
Stack Overflow

I have made some custom templates in my wordpress and used it to build 2 pages with. Then I have tried the Members plugin for access control. It work on the pages, but it still shows my custom PHP …

tagged: php, wordpress, access Mar 10 at 5:57
Stack Overflow

I set up a Google analytics custom dimension so that I could track categories (i.e. what are my top X posts in a given category). I checked the debug logs and the data seems to be sending properly on …

tagged: php, wordpress, google-analytics, analytics, google-analytics-api Mar 10 at 2:08
Stack Overflow

I am trying to add a marquee effect with CSS3 animation in WordPress as it doesn’t support the <marquee> tag. I would like to get rid of the white space in between each loop. I tried using …

tagged: css, wordpress, marquee Mar 10 at 17:46
Stack Overflow

I am trying to create a plugin. When i try to enqueue the style-sheet (css) it doesn’t get read. I want to style my custom metabox. Even when i inspect element, it doesn’t show the css being loaded. …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-theming, custom-wordpress-pages Mar 10 at 4:22
Stack Overflow

I want to make a intrinsic image placeholders in my blog. How do I wrap every image in new post with div in such a way, so it would be same size as the image?

tagged: php, wordpress Mar 10 at 15:56
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to modify the css style of the word (button) “All” in Post Grid filter of WordPress plugin Visual Composer…I’m able to do it for all the words of filtered categories but not for the …

tagged: css, wordpress Mar 10 at 13:20
Stack Overflow

Need help in wordpress (edit page and custom field,not change in css). After editing custom field and page, the website’s page didn’t display the correct setup as in wordpress. I had done clear the …

tagged: wordpress, field, edit, display, web-testing Mar 10 at 4:03
Stack Overflow

I am trying to add woocommerce product to wp rest api, but it seems lot of work. So i am asking if there is any way how to display data for anonymous user from woocommerce api.

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce-rest-api Mar 10 at 9:33
Stack Overflow

Can anybody find what’s the wordpress theme is this site using ?

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-theming Mar 10 at 5:27
Stack Overflow

I have a custom wordpress php page where I have a form which update a database with the posted data fra input fields. Now I wan’t to be able to upload at file/picture in a specifik folder, and store …

tagged: php, wordpress, image, upload Mar 10 at 0:41
Stack Overflow

Running WordPress with jQuery. Can’t seem to get this script to work. <script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if ($(‘.ADShow’).is(‘:in-viewport’)) { $(“.ADShow”).delay(…

tagged: javascript, jquery, wordpress Mar 10 at 17:53
Stack Overflow

I’m getting the above mentioned error and cannot pinpoint the cause: I tried the solution: define(‘WP_HOME’,’‘); define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’‘); But without success. I …

tagged: wordpress, nginx Mar 10 at 14:00
Stack Overflow

I am building a wordpress site with the avada Theme. Now i need to make a gallery. Everything is easy but i dont know how to make the gallery responsive.I choose 6 images to be displayed at every …

tagged: wordpress, gallery, responsive Mar 10 at 5:33
Stack Overflow

I have custom post type having meta value include last update date. I have to get post id in which meta value having latest date without compare other date. below is my wp query to get post id but it …

tagged: wordpress Mar 10 at 13:32
Stack Overflow

I’m working on my first project on a WordPress website. Ik make in my theme map a map with a file in it like ***************/rb-delete-all-transient.php. Now when i put echo “test”; in it the there …

tagged: php, wordpress, http-status-code-500 Mar 9 at 21:00
Stack Overflow

Here I my code when I assign variable value inside class not working, basically I am assigning wp default function to a variable. I am confused when the same thing used in the constructor then it’s …

tagged: wordpress, oop Mar 10 at 6:51
Stack Overflow

I am working with WordPress theme, and there is a loop that pulls posts and creates the links to those posts. I am trying to remove the a tag but still leave the content in there. <div class=”…

tagged: javascript, html, css, wordpress Mar 9 at 19:47
Stack Overflow

I need to load default categories in WordPress custom post type. here is my code to create custom post type in a function.php function my_post_type_portfolio() { register_post_type( …