Trump Isn’t a Toddler — He’s a Product of America’s Culture

Why Harvard Business School Is Under Fire
Why Harvard Business School Is Under Fire
The Economist
It has failed to manage conflicts of interest adequately: for example it gives companies a veto over case studies written about them and academics can be paid by the companies they teach about. The school has tried to diversify its intake of pupils, but even after adjusting for the financial aid it gives out, the effective average fee for an MBA course has risen by about 30% in five years.
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What I Learned from Weighing Myself 15 Times in a Day
What I Learned from Weighing Myself 15 Times in a Day
Beth Skwarecki, Lifehacker
The scale is fickle: we lose weight when we pee or when we do a sweaty workout. We gain weight when we eat or drink or put on a sweater. But how much does that kind of fluctuation really impact the numbers we see?
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What James Comey Told Me About Donald Trump
What James Comey Told Me About Donald Trump
Benjamin Wittes, Lawfare
Comey was disgusted. He regarded the episode as a physical attempt to show closeness and warmth in a fashion calculated to compromise him before Democrats who already mistrusted him.
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The Reason You Answer Work Email on the Weekend Is Actually 500 Years Old
The Reason You Answer Work Email on the Weekend Is Actually 500 Years Old
Stephanie Buck, Timeline
Gigs play on our country’s existing anxieties around leisure, our need to fill time with productive side hustles, whether we “need” the cash or not. Simply looking busy is currency in itself, a way to sidestep the stigma that comes with idleness, especially for the poor and working class.
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The Startup Industry’s Toxic “Side Hustle” Fixation
The Startup Industry’s Toxic “Side Hustle” Fixation
Kate Knibbs, The Ringer
Performing whatever paid work is available is sometimes a necessary step to literally surviving, and working on a passion project in one’s free time can help launch a new career. Neither situation is aspirational. Both belie an economic system that is not designed to lift masses out of poverty, but rather one that both creates and maintains poverty.
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What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey
What Donald Trump Needs to Know About Bob Mueller and Jim Comey
Garrett M. Graff, Politico
The two men who could bring down the president have been preparing their entire lives for this moment.
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The Mad King of Juice: Inside the Dysfunctional Origins of Juicero
The Mad King of Juice: Inside the Dysfunctional Origins of Juicero
Bryan Menegus, Gizmodo
Gizmodo spoke to eight past and current Juicero employees and contractors, representing a wide swath of the company’s functions, all on condition of anonymity. Their stories reveal a business with deeply skewed priorities, where every warning sign along the path to its own undoing was cavalierly ignored at the behest of its autocratic founder.
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Trump Isn't a Toddler — He's a Product of America's Culture of Impunity for the Rich
Trump Isn’t a Toddler — He’s a Product of America’s Culture of Impunity for the Rich
Matthew Yglesias, Vox
“When you’re a star, they let you do it.”