WooCommerce Problems Issues

woosteve wrote:

Hi there,

[WordPress.org Forums] [WooCommerce] Cleaning the mini cart after payment geraldleematson wrote:

My images always ask my Gmail if I want to “always accept images from this email”, when opening a new customer order email, for the past 10 months. I don’t believe my customers are seeing the image either. This image is in my media library and the URL can be pasted in the browser and viewed. Please advise.

Thank you!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/header-image-not-showing-in-emails-to-customer/#post-11427290


my problem is: With the update of the woocommerce plugin to version 3.5.7. on wordpress 5.1.1 with flatsome theme the attributes for variable products do not appear on the product page. We fixed this partly by adding local product attributes manually in the product page. However, we could not fix it globally. 

On the wordpress dashboard under product attributes we had global attributes like size and color. The content of the attributes seems to be in the data base, because we see the entries, but they’re not displayed. The same goes for categories.(taxonomy=product_cat). They are categories, but they are not displayed although we see the entries in the pagination.

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/woocommerce-product-attributes-and-categories-not-displayed/

Andrew wrote:

Hey there!

You are right, the docs were a bit outdated, but the actual URL in the plugin settings is correct and would be if you had the plugin. 

The correct URL would be https://yoursite.com/wc-api/wc_fue_twitter/

I updated our docs with the correct version, but thanks for pointing it out.

Hopefully that helps! Have a great one!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/twitter-callback-url-2/#post-11427345

caro72 wrote:

I already use “advanced shipping” plugin for different shipping costs but I need a way to put the order on hold if shipping address is outside of the 48 continuous US states or 10 Canadian provinces because, since those are shipped express, I need to manually calculate the shipping cost before they can pay. 

Any idea? Thanks!

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/put-an-order-on-hold-according-to-shipping-address/

Shaady4 wrote:

​Hi there,

I tried several things to change the place order button text, within the Woocommerce settings even tried a proceed-to-checkout-button.php trick, but it doesn’t let itself change!

How can I change the place order button to show Bestelling afronden? which is dutch.​

Thank you!

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/in-need-of-help-changing-the-place-order-button-text/

Hello, I’ve been looking for this for a long time, I think this plugin will answer you, I find it very complete and it’s almost perfect for what I need, I hope it works for you too


Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/multiple-choice-variations/#post-11427589

bonfanticonsulting wrote:

Sorry Philips but I no resolve my problem with woocommerce and I migrate to another solution (prestashop).
It manage every type ship. (in my case Fresh food is possible only with pickup in a shop)

Thanks for all.

Best regards. 

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/gestione-dei-prodotti-ad-es-freschi/#post-11427686

My product thumbnails (gallery images) are blurry for some reason. My media settings has thumbnails set to 113x139px which is the size they are underneath the main image. They come up fine once I click on them and they show up as the main image, but they are blurry while they are still thumbnails. Any advice?

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/blurry-product-thumbnails/

dolike wrote:

It is also useful for product catalog with compare function. Very Good!!!

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/thanks-for-woo/

gameznet wrote:

this is only partially correct or possibly old information that is no longer correct.
I can verify after much testing that WordPress does by default generate multiple copies of images (the 3 default sizes) from any post or page with the default themes provided also and no additional plugins installed.
themes do add additional image sizes but they are not changing the behaviour of wordpress and going to a theme developer about the issue will have them send you back to wordpress as the core behaviours are the issues. 

Even when an image address is specified from a different directory in the sites own server such as when the same image is added to multiple pages and posts i find that each and every post that uses that image has then generated its own versions in the uploads folder and if you then delete unused images such as with a plugin it deletes those images and leaves a broken image rather than just using the image URL that was originally added to the post in the first place. 

In any case I am a user so giving me instructions for a theme developer to learn how to setup image handling correctly is mute … the issue is something that wordpress devs need to clear up and fix in the core and then make clear to theme devs directly so they commonly know what problems they can create if they mess with how the core handles images not make users tell theme devs what they are doing wrongly.

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-and-woocomerce-thumbnail-nightmare/#post-11427952

Hey, have you managed to solve it without rolling back woocommerce?

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/reduce-stock-increase-stock-buttons/#post-11428126

Hey @yukikatayama, thanks for the reply, but the product add-ons don’t seem to get me where I want to go. I’ve found https://wordpress.org/plugins/uni-woo-custom-product-options/ which does what I need, now it’s just a matter of styling the input to a range slider.

Best regards

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/looking-for-input-variable-product-custom-field-with-woocommerce-subscription/#post-11428270

What is with the setup process all of a sudden for this plugin, feels like i’m booking a flight with a discount airline. 

So many upsell attempts and even once the setup process is complete it still nags Jetpack. And apparently, woocommerce only supports automatic taxes with Jetpack installed now? I assume thats just part of the hardcore upselling process now rather than actually true but atleast change the wording during the setup process so its somewhat honest.

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/setup-process-feels-like-a-checkout-process-for-a-discount-airline/

Is is possible to list all products by a certain attribute without specifying the term value in the URL?

Right now, accessing site.com/attribute_name/term_value/ returns as expected – products that have the term_value set for the specific attribute_name.

Accessing site.com/attribute_name/ returns 404

Desired outcome would be listing all products that have attribute_name, without having to manually create individual pages for each attribute and placing [products attribute=”attribute_name”]

The functionality / query *is* possible from what I’ve tested by using the attribute filter widget and selecting all the terms from desired attribute but that produces a different URL that impacts SEO. 

(Note : this is a follow-up on a ticket with a very similar issue – https://wordpress.org/support/topic/product-attributes-archive-not-showing-any-products-terms-list/ the problem with the solution given is that manually creating pages for attributes is not a viable option as it doesn’t provide the full options of an archive page – the product sorting toolbar is missing for example and in case of a multilingual site manually creating and maintaining this for multiple attributes would be a tedious and error prone task)

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/product-attributes-archive-not-showing-any-products-terms-list-2/

If you’re using this plugin ( https://www.woocommerce.com/products/product-csv-import-suite), then you have access to support from the people that made it. You can open a ticket that puts you directly in touch with its developers by choosing the extension here:  https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/?form=ticket

Then you can get all sorted quickly!

Hopefully that helps! Have a great one!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/csv-import-suite-2/#post-11430579

The id is numeric. I’m not trying to change that. The number field is a string. It’s usually just set to the id. But it’s specified as READ-ONLY in the API docs.


If I store a meta key/value pair with the alphanumeric order number from the other system, what’s the best way of searching meta values?

Cheers, Vic

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/is-it-possible-to-have-alphanumeric-order-numbers-instead-of-numeric/#post-11430612

The id is numeric. I’m not trying to change that. The number field is a string. It’s usually just set to the id. But it’s specified as READ-ONLY in the API docs.


If I store a meta key/value pair with the alphanumeric order number from the other system, what’s the best way of searching meta values?

Cheers, Vic

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/is-it-possible-to-have-alphanumeric-order-numbers-instead-of-numeric/#post-11430612

Andrew wrote:

Hey there!

There are quite a few reasons WooCommerce would not send item details to PayPal.

The PayPal gateway passes individual line items to PayPal (product name, price and quantity) unless:

    Your prices are defined as including tax
    You have more than nine line items, including shipping – PayPal only supports nine items.

This is to prevent rounding errors and to ensure correct totals are charged. When line items are not sent, the items are grouped and named ‘Order #x’.

Let us know if this is not the case for you!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/missing-item-name-in-paypal-transation/#post-11430671

Last night, I followed all your instructions above, and now I can read my custom text box info again! I created a staging site, used my current Storefront theme, deactivated all plugins other than WooCommerce and the Phoeniixx custom fields plugins. Plugin worked, so I then understood that my problem was not with it. After reactivating plugins, one by one, and making test purchases, all worked until I reactivated my paid WooCommerce Loyalty Rewards (IgniteWoo) plugin. Once I did, I couldn’t read custom boxes again. So, I don’t yet know how to resolve that, but at least now I have a much better understanding of troubleshooting issues, and I can’t thank you enough for your help. I have had this issue since Jan 20, and have found ways to work around it (contacting each customer after the sale for custom details) but you are the first person to help me fix it. I will contact IgniteWoo Monday, especially since this is a plugin I pay for, and let them know. Thank you again…you are my HEROINE, Yukikatayama! 

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/product-custom-options-lite-by-phoeniixx/#post-11428103

I’m rolling out new products over time, but each time I do so the product grid on the shop breaks with the last product.

Initially, the final product wasn’t on the same row at all so I added the following to a custom CSS widget. (I tried adding it directly to stylesheet.css but it doesn’t work from there?). This code worked in bringing the last product to the row it should be on…

.woocommerce-page ul.products li.first {
clear: none!important;}

…but it made the final product align strangely as you can see here

Adding this code fixed that problem:

.woocommerce ul.products li.last, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.last {
margin-right: 3.8%;

But now I have added a new product and AGAIN the grid has broken! What could be causing this conflict and why is it not automatically aligning as it should?

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/last-item-on-product-grid-not-aligning/

If I understand correctly, you have a product that has the shipping class 3354. If one is in cart, it should show $15 (10 + 5*[qty]) at checkout. But when you add it to cart, it only shows $5 (5*[qty]) instead?  

I tried replicating your use case but was unable to here:

Link to image: https://cld.wthms.co/NQqsTF

Hi @louisapple, 

Glad to hear you were able to narrow it down to cache. I’ll close this thread now. If you run into further questions on WooCommerce core, please open a new thread.


Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/weird-search-bar-not-working-in-mobile-site/#post-11430872

Could we get a link to that page so we can see what you’re describing?

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/editing-the-title-and-description-of-the-homepage/#post-11430890

Andrew wrote:

Hey there!

It sounds like the issue might be that the text is coming from the them you are using, not WooCommerce. You can change the string, just make sure the source is the theme, not WooCommerce.

You can do this by using a free translation plugin like Loco Translate(https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/).  I know it may sound strange to “translate” your own language, but it works. 🙂 This will allow you to find that phrase and change it to be what you’d like.

Hopefully that helps! Have a great one!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/in-need-of-help-changing-the-place-order-button-text/#post-11430950

Hi All,

Im struggling to find a resolution for my Checkout input fields, for some reason they are all overlapping each other and the form itself is a bit of a mess.

Ive tried various codes that I have found on a number of Forums but nothing seems to work. Im becoming a little desperate now.



Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/woocommerce-checkout-fields-overlapping-layout/

It sounds like https://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin might be a good place to start, to learn the structure of WordPress plugins, such as WooCommerce. https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/hooks/ also explains how hooks and filters are used, which WooCommerce uses to hook into various parts of WordPress.

Considering the complexity of the WooCommerce plugin, it may be hard for us to point out specific areas for each functionality. For example, some code related to the cart may be broken up into multiple different files.

However, you can take a look around the GitHub repository for the plugin, to learn how things work: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce. You can also use the search there to search for things like “add to cart” or “shop page” and related code should be brought up. 


Justin Shreve wrote:


To do this, you can use the free Redirection plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/redirection/). You can set up a redirection rule like so:

Type: 301
Source: /my-account/
Destination: /my-account/orders/.


Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-change-default-page-from-dashboard-page-to-order-page-in-my-account/#post-11431036

Hi there,

Duplicate orders can sometimes be caused by a theme or plugin conflict. [Here is a link to a detailed doc](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-self-service-guide/#section-4) on how best to troubleshoot this type of error.

I would also suggest confirming that the Zombaio payment gateway extension you are using is compatible with the version of WooCommerce you are running. 

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/duplicate-orders-in-woocommerce/#post-11430642

We’ve implemented a shop using Woocommerce and it works great. Now we got a new requirement: We should include products from an external provider using their API. Those are “real” (e.g. no digital) products and are not listed in our WP backend. It should be possible for customers to buy “our” products from our shop as well as products from that other source that is just integrated via the API. So the “External Product” type does not help us.

We’ve experimented with adding a dummy product and tried to use “woocommerce_add_cart_item_data” and “woocommerce_before_calculate_totals” to update informations on-the-fly, but that doesn’t work either.

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/integrate-external-products-using-an-api/

lukaesch wrote:

That’s the best e-commerce plugin for WordPress ever

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/best-e-commerce-plugin-5/


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bburko01 wrote:

On my client’s site we have three private tours that he offers. I have a person type set because he only wants 1-6 people on the private tours.

However, he is in disbelief that my partner and I are unable to default the number of people at to be set to 1.

Is there any way to modify the person count to one in the cart for specific tours/products?

Many thanks in advance for any help someone could offer.


Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-default-cart-to-1/

medoblige0maciej wrote:

We want to connect an ERP-System to our site, but we are having trouble to restore our old order-data. First we missed all the invoice numbers. Now we are missing the tax amount with some orders. 
End of January we have relaunched our webshop to the new WooCommerce system. All that issues happen since then. Can anyone help us and tell us what we did wrong while setting up the new system?

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/missing-tax-amount-in-old-orders/

Hi Rahul,

Can you provide an example REST request that is timing out?

Note that when you are making API requests, you can use the page and per_page options to limit your number of results (see https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#list-all-products for an example). You can then make multiple requests to get data. This should allow you to get all the data you need, without timeouts.

The REST API is limited by PHP’s execution time limit (https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-time-limit.php) — so a large request cannot be handled. You could attempt to increase this limit if your host gives you access, but it would be better to break the requests up.


I don’t know of a way to do this, to be honest. What I would do is create a shipping zone with the areas in it you want, and then set up shipping method for that (so whatever method you are using, set that up in that zone).

Hopefully that helps! Have a great one!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/put-an-order-on-hold-according-to-shipping-address/#post-11431503

I have a standard WooCommerce installed with standard payment option. I enaled Paypal option. I inserted all the API and credentials correctly, live and sandbox. 

But on the checkout page the paypal option is not appearing. Instead this message is apearing “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.”

But the paypal option is activated and all the field, api and credentials are inserted. No error. 

See the images bellow:

I created the above product with 420 variations (already increased threshhold so problem is not from there), but now when I click on view or try to see the product, the page loads for a long time and then returns blank. What could I have missed?

Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/product-not-appearing/

It sounds like you’d want to use this hook: wc_get_gallery_image_html

This is found in this template: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/blob/master/templates/single-product/product-thumbnails.php

You can also override that whole template if you wanted to. 

Hopefully that helps! Have a great one!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/single-product-page-image-thumbnail-gallery/#post-11431653

You can change the price of your items in the admin order when you place it. 

Why is it that you can’t delete the extra orders? What exactly are you trying to do? Are you using the built-in WooCommerce stats?

Let us know!

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wipe-stats/#post-11431669

If you use the exact code found here, does it work? https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-show-extra-content-my-account-page/

That will help narrow it down to errors in the code or the hook you are using, etc. 

Reply Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-add-custom-text-below-user-id-in-my-account-page/#post-11431733

I’ve just realaised the question I asked has been marked as ‘resolved’ (link to question posted above) but, sadly, it isn’t resolved.

Please would you let me know how to have this marked as ‘unresolved’ so I can continue to get help or should I submit another request for help?


Topic Link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/unresolved-problem-marled-as-resolved/

Thanks for the followup. 

Since the Customizer settings are not affecting the gallery within product pages it tells me that your theme is responsible for these dimensions. This means that there may be a theme setting that can be adjusted to work with the dimensions you are looking for.

If that is not the case the theme may be declaring gallery thumbnail dimensions, which could be overwritten with a filter: