wordpress, spam, malware, virus

Stack Overflow

I know this is duplicate question. But I have tried all the answers which I have found on the http://stackoverflow.com/ . I think in my case I am inserting and updating data if same date match than …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress, csv, import Apr 24 at 12:58
Stack Overflow

I have a localhost development environment using MAMP Pro, with a WordPress website working successfully using PHP 5.6.8. Changing the host to PHP 7.0.13 (and changing nothing else) results in the …

tagged: wordpress, mamp, mamp-pro Apr 24 at 3:57
Stack Overflow

So I modified the single-news.php file in order to get a previous/next button to navigate the news but that code uses the post id and for example im at post1 which belongs to category1, what I press …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 24 at 12:47
Stack Overflow

I’ve been reading the tips here for a long time and received a lot of help. Today I am in the need of individual help… The responsive view (< 1024 px) should be full-width and centered with a …

tagged: html, css, wordpress Apr 24 at 15:11
Stack Overflow

I am using WooCommerce and Contact 7 Form in a listing-style WordPress website. Is there a standard method to grab the default First and Last name fields in the edit-account WC template to populate …

tagged: wordpress, plugins, woocommerce, contact Apr 24 at 9:45
Stack Overflow

I am trying to load pages of 5 articles each. This articles can be eiter “Posts” or “Tweets”. The posts can only belong to certains authors. Try #1 I first tried this. $loopArgs = array( ‘…

tagged: wordpress Apr 24 at 13:06
Stack Overflow

I’d like to host a WordPress site at http://example.com/content. My main site is a Meteor site at example.com with nginx in front of it. This is my nginx config file, but http://example.com/content

tagged: wordpress, nginx Apr 24 at 16:22
Stack Overflow

I’ve just start learning PHPUnit with WordPress. I have a widget that gets post data from and metadata of it. My Code Looks like the following: if ($postMeta = …

tagged: php, wordpress, phpunit Apr 24 at 16:04
Stack Overflow

I’m looking for a way to query listings in PHP using Sabai Directory plugin. In my code, I extract the keywords from $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] and then intend to use them to find matching listings. Now, …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 24 at 18:23
Stack Overflow

I always hate taxonomy, it is so confusing. I am using ACF. I have a custom user registration field call country, outlet, company (They’re all taxonomy). Eg. taxonomy=country&tag_ID=36&…

tagged: wordpress, category, advanced-custom-fields, taxonomy, term Apr 23 at 21:32
Stack Overflow

$height.prop(‘placeholder’, ‘(e.g., 5\’ or 5\’5″ or 5\’5)’); Im trying to set my placeholder using JQuery prop method, but I got this error Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list I …

tagged: javascript, jquery, wordpress Apr 24 at 7:50
Stack Overflow

I’d like to know if there is a way to hide or disable fields in the Orders > Order details page in WooCommerce, by using some hook or editing the code. I tried to do it with css display:none in the …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce Apr 24 at 17:25
Stack Overflow

I have an issue that is doing my head in, I’m trying to sort my posts using pre_get_posts by and ACF field that is a text field. Here is my code: function my_pre_get_posts( $query ) { // do not …

tagged: wordpress, advanced-custom-fields Apr 24 at 14:49
Stack Overflow

I would like to use headroom.js on my site to be able to hide the header as I scroll down and have it reappear as I scroll up. I am using WordPress. I tried putting the js file in the theme folder …

tagged: javascript, jquery, css, wordpress, headroom.js Apr 24 at 2:15
Stack Overflow

I am trying to alter a shortcode dependent on the page which means I need to determine what page we are on and what shortcode to use. When I try the below code the sidebar disappears completely …

tagged: php, html, wordpress, if-statement Apr 24 at 15:03
Stack Overflow

Im creating a document library with a custom post type of ‘downloads’ and custom taxonomy for categories of ‘downloadCategory’. Below is what i have so far which works fine and then i have a taxonomy …

tagged: wordpress, taxonomy, wp-list-categories, taxonomy-terms Apr 24 at 16:21
Stack Overflow

i am searching a wordpress plugin that allow admin to create a form and submit that form to a custom url. I used contact form 7 but it doesn’t allow such type of functionality. The only solution …

tagged: php, wordpress, forms, contact-form-7, ninja-forms Apr 24 at 7:12
Stack Overflow

everyone, I am facing issues with this with my latest work, a spam text appearing in front of every blog post “Want create the site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins” her the screenshot …

tagged: wordpress, spam, malware, virus Apr 24 at 17:33
Stack Overflow

Problem is … when I click on edit post/edit page, it tries to open http://localhost/site/wp-admin/post-108.php?post=286&action=edit and ends up on 404 page. It also shows the 404 page when …

tagged: php, wordpress, wordpress-theming Apr 24 at 6:57
Stack Overflow

I have a wordpress application and usually I use the PHP function <?php _e(‘foo’, ‘bar’) ?> when I need to echo something that needs to be translated. But, right now I am implementing a new …

tagged: javascript, php, wordpress
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