arrays, wordpress

Stack Overflow

I have got the same problem as like the guy in this topic: Avada Theme – Submenu customization, but I just can’t find the side-navigation CSS styles where I’ve to change the code. I already put the …

tagged: php, css, wordpress May 8 at 10:55
Stack Overflow

OK so I am building a custom WordPress theme for a client which has a large image slider as part of the design. What I need to do is allow each slide to have it’s own URL (so people can link direct …

tagged: javascript, jquery, wordpress, wordpress-theming, advanced-custom-fields May 8 at 14:31
Stack Overflow

For our project we decided for a Symfony app and a WordPress blog. It basically runs an entire installation of WordPress as a subdirectory called /blog inside the /web folder of Symfony. We setup a …

tagged: wordpress, symfony, reactjs, virtualhost, lamp May 8 at 14:27
Stack Overflow

I would like to change my WordPress navigation links from <a href=”“>Testpage</a> to <a href=”#Testpage”>Testpage</a> My index.php has …

tagged: php, html, wordpress, twitter-bootstrap, wordpress-theming May 8 at 16:01
Stack Overflow

I have an IIS running on the server and a website (.net) running perfectly on http (80) and https (443). And i have a new WordPress website. I wanna publish the wordpress site on the same domain. In …

tagged:, wordpress, ssl, iis, https May 8 at 16:28
Stack Overflow

I have created a dropdown metabox to display all users for my custom post type “news”. Now i need to update the selected value into wp_postmeta table. I have done the same in Wp_options table ,but am …

tagged: php, wordpress May 8 at 9:49
Stack Overflow

I’m sure this was working but now it’s not. I added categories to pages with: function add_categories_to_pages() { register_taxonomy_for_object_type( ‘category’, ‘page’ ); } add_action( ‘init’, …

tagged: wordpress, function, redirect May 8 at 7:37
Stack Overflow

I downloaded latest WordPress (4.7.4) and installed it to my localhost (opensuse leap 42.2 with nginx & php-fpm), named it http://wp.local and noticed strange things. When I open: …

tagged: php, wordpress, nginx, configuration May 8 at 14:19
Stack Overflow

The U+2028 LSEP character keeps showing up around my wordpress site. Through the inspector, I can see that it is a locally rendered font such as Helvetica or Times New Roman (from what I’ve seen). It …

tagged: html, wordpress, ascii May 8 at 15:51
Stack Overflow

Currently, I can show relative post by category. Some category I am not so post, so when we click on the article it will show relative post, but post in that category I am not so update, so I want to …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-theming, custom-wordpress-pages May 8 at 5:08
Stack Overflow

Is it possible to setup .htaccess for WordPress to run Frontend over https protocol, and admin backend over http protocol?

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, http, https May 8 at 17:50
Stack Overflow

I’m working on the redevelopment of my page and I like that it says “latest posts” on top of the main content, and I’m trying to replicate it on WordPress twentysixteen theme. It …

tagged: php, html, css, wordpress May 8 at 14:43
Stack Overflow

I use WordPress on my website and there is a small section of php code from which I want to exclude a php template. <?php if (is_user_logged_in() ) { ?> .content_right { float: right …

tagged: php, wordpress May 8 at 2:16
Stack Overflow

I am trying to get an svg social icon to show based on user inputing a url in the admin panel of WordPress for a custom field. I have an svg sprite that has #id’ (i.e #facebook) that is referenced in …

tagged: php, arrays, wordpress, svg May 8 at 19:30
Stack Overflow

i have a filter like: add_filter ( ‘get_terms’, function ( $terms, $taxonomies, $args ) { // do anything with terms here… return $terms; }, 10, 3 ); in my plugin. In most/other cases …

tagged: php, wordpress, action-filter May 8 at 19:55
Stack Overflow

I have an wordpress marketplace site with Dokan marketplace plugin and I need to get the PayPal mail to create my custom payment gateway. to create my xml request I used: //Split Payment Comission …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, paypal-adaptive-payments, marketplace May 8 at 8:24
Stack Overflow

I am trying to create a simple form for my wordpress theme’s custom page template, but the problem i can not get the toolbar of tinymce editor. I have searched and found some resources but nothing …

tagged: php, wordpress, wordpress-theming May 8 at 7:49
Stack Overflow

System Type: 64-bit Windows Edition: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft Windows Server: 6.1 MySQL Workbench Version: 6.3 I manage a multi-site WordPress and it has grown to 33,000 tables so …

tagged: mysql, database, wordpress, innodb May 8 at 20:48
Stack Overflow

I’ve deleted some unused file in file manager on cpanel, but when I check my domain, it’s take an effect of it, I dunno what happen, or maybe I’ve deleted wrong file that’s needed to work with …

tagged: php, wordpress, cpanel May 8 at 5:31
Stack Overflow

I am using a plugin, using the following code could show user ratings: <?php $users_rating = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_rating( $post_id, $reviews_box_id ); ?> <?php echo $users_rating; …

tagged: arrays, wordpress
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol