json, wordpress

Stack Overflow

I have a WordPress site with a membership plug-in added. Originally, the plug-in only captured username/password to sign up. We wanted to capture more information as this is not tied to WooCommerce, …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 21 at 16:44
Stack Overflow

Here is the url http://fetchasite.com/love/ So I have migrated the wordpress and now customizing but this one issue keeps bugging me . I am able to login to the admin but when i go to frontend its …

tagged: php, wordpress, ssl Apr 21 at 20:52
Stack Overflow

I am creating products in my woocommerce inventory and retrieving them on my android app using woocommerce rest api. While creating the products, along with the product info I am passing “Product …

tagged: php, android, wordpress, woocommerce, woocommerce-rest-api Apr 21 at 12:10
Stack Overflow

I have a Tumblr-like blog feature that displays an image followed by some text in a div. This is repeated for as many posts as the the custom post-type contains using a loop, like so: <?php …

tagged: javascript, jquery, css, wordpress, navigation Apr 21 at 3:18
Stack Overflow

When I run this code on my wp_posts table (using phpmyadmin), it returns a single duplicate post. SELECT a.ID, a.post_title, a.post_type, a.post_status FROM wp_posts AS a INNER JOIN ( SELECT …

tagged: sql, wordpress, mariadb Apr 21 at 0:25
Stack Overflow

I would like to hide or remove the category meta from the shops page (catalogue ) which is showing right under the product title in my store. I have tried several things but nothing works. I tired …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, wordpress-theming, hook-woocommerce Apr 21 at 21:21
Stack Overflow

I have a wordpress site which has installed EasySMTP plugin. I have a real cron task and I have unactive wp simulated cron. My cron is running, but inside it I want to make a mail send and is not …

tagged: php, wordpress, email, cron Apr 21 at 6:59
Stack Overflow

I’m having a bit of a major meltdown regarding a translation of a site. It’s a wordpress site with a WooCommerce shop. LocoTranslate and Avada is installed. The issue is, that some individual …

tagged: wordpress Apr 21 at 20:17
Stack Overflow

In gravity form I have a dropdown field suppose D1. Now on change of D1, I want to update a text fields value. For example if my D1 fields values are 1,2,3 and if I choose 2 then text field’s value …

tagged: wordpress, gravity-forms-plugin, gravityforms Apr 21 at 11:32
Stack Overflow

Basically the code below shows the next category of posts instead of not showing. <div class=”post-previous”><?php previous_post_link(‘%link’, true); ?></div> I’d expect this to …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 21 at 19:52
Stack Overflow

In a Woocommerce page, I want to hide certain products if they have a badge (a class). I can’t simply hide them because if i do, they won’t show up as up-sells in the individual products page. So I …

tagged: jquery, wordpress, woocommerce Apr 21 at 8:34
Stack Overflow

Previously I used wp_editor but decided to stop doing that and use a plain textarea field instead. I’m using a foreach loop, and in the first row of the loop WordPress auto inserts the quicktag …

tagged: php, wordpress, insert, auto Apr 21 at 17:47
Stack Overflow

I am trying to include Paypal as payment method in a Woocommerce shop. I have created a developer account with a buyer and a business sandbox account. I added the business sandbox account in …

tagged: wordpress, paypal, woocommerce, paypal-sandbox Apr 21 at 10:25
Stack Overflow

In functions.php, we are setting the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL like so: define(‘WP_HOME’, …); define(‘WP_SITEURL’, …); I can verify that the value of … above is correct. However, …

tagged: wordpress Apr 21 at 14:04
Stack Overflow

I am trying to use a filter to upload a file to a different ftp, before I save it , what am I doing wrong. add_filter(‘wp_handle_upload_prefilter’, ‘custom_upload_filter’ ); function …

tagged: php, wordpress, ftp Apr 21 at 13:34
Stack Overflow

How can I encode all my url before they got to the wordpress rewrite check? So that site.com/אבד will convert to site.com %2F%D7%90%D7%91%D7%93 and only then decide what is the write rule for it. …

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, mod-rewrite, utf-8, yoast Apr 21 at 9:00
Stack Overflow

I have the following line of html code in my WordPress site which downloads an .exe file into the downloads folder without prompting the user with a save-as-or-run popup. How can I change it to get …

tagged: html, wordpress, .htaccess Apr 21 at 3:22
Stack Overflow

I would like to remove billing details from Woocoommerce’s emails, is there any other way to do this besides editing all email templates?

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce Apr 21 at 18:09
Stack Overflow

For example, entering http://mywordpresswebsite.example.com/?json=1 into the browser loads the main site html, the same as omitting the json querystring variable: …

tagged: json, wordpress Apr 21 at 15:46
Stack Overflow

my script file path is: C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\test\test.php I need to run code from this path that will move images from path: …

tagged: php, wordpress, xampp, rename
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol