php, jquery, wordpress, filter

Stack Overflow

I have created a java application and i want to place that app inside bullhorn marketplace, can anyone suggest me the deploying process of app into the bullhorn marketplace enter link description here …

tagged: javascript, java, php, wordpress, linkedin May 22 at 16:48
Stack Overflow

I have a script that allows just one concurrent wordpress-session by destroying all other active sessions of a user when this user is logging into wordpress: add_filter(‘authenticate’, ‘…

tagged: wordpress, session, user May 22 at 20:01
Stack Overflow

How can I create a full-width post every 4 post grids? As in the following picture. Here is my code wordpress loop. <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> …

tagged: php, wordpress May 22 at 11:23
Stack Overflow

Good afternoon, I need to pass variables using AJAX to the next function in the “functions.php” of my template. add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_calculate_totals’, ‘woocommerce_pj_update_price’, 99 ); …

tagged: javascript, php, ajax, wordpress, woocommerce May 22 at 20:19
Stack Overflow

After the following script is run wp wc product create –name=’b’ –categories=32 –user=user Output is printed: Success: Created product 1370. But no categories are shown in …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, woocommerce-rest-api, wp-cli May 22 at 20:43
Stack Overflow

Have a WP widget for the archive page of post, can click left or right on the arrows but the only way it updates is when clicking on the month selected and not dynamically when clicking the arrow. …

tagged: javascript, php, wordpress May 22 at 14:23
Stack Overflow

I am using YIITH ZOOM Magnifier plugin. On simple products, it is working fine but on variable products mouseover zoom window is opening but on mouse out it’s not disappearing sometimes. How I can …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce May 22 at 8:45
Stack Overflow

Ok to make it very clear, i have table look like this: ID post_title post_type —————————————————— 1 product A …

tagged: mysql, database, wordpress, woocommerce May 22 at 14:16
Stack Overflow

I need to show my (WooCommerce > Orders) order with specific orders status (example: Only Processing Orders) for specific Shop Manager role Shop Manager A: Only can see On-Hold Orders Shop Manager …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce May 22 at 9:49
Stack Overflow

I know that it’s possible to manually approve new users that register into WordPress site, but is it possible to hide the password field entirely in the registration form and assign these new users a …

tagged: wordpress May 22 at 6:26
Stack Overflow

Hello friends i have an issue with endroid/qrcode libarary i created custom page template and the function .getContentType(); return the link of the page, and insert it into the img src, instead …

tagged: php, wordpress, custom-wordpress-pages, wordpress-rest-api May 22 at 18:58
Stack Overflow

i have installed wordpress 4.7.5 my PHP Version is 5.6.30 i am facing an issue, Image thumbnails are not loading on wp admin cannot see any image on media library grid view. i searched for solution …

tagged: php, wordpress May 22 at 9:31
Stack Overflow

We have a client whose website we did on WordPress. Admittedly, we are a little new to WordPress. When adding CSS to the site, we put it in a CSS file located at …

tagged: css, wordpress, plugins May 22 at 17:23
Stack Overflow

I started recently to customize one site, but have one issue that don’t know how to fix. in Shop page on my URL when try to open from smartphone there are too big gap between top, and between …

tagged: php, css, wordpress, woocommerce May 22 at 12:04
Stack Overflow

I using this php filter for search box in my wp website. I know this is wrong because the filter show me only the last query, how I can write the code in the way both query work? function …

tagged: php, May 22 at 14:09
Stack Overflow

I have created an Editor button using TinyMCE plugin. The button is displaying fine in Editor toolbar. But when I click on it to place the value I am getting the following console error. How can I fix …

tagged: wordpress, tinymce-plugins May 22 at 5:41
Stack Overflow

I changed my wordpress url and site url from “blog” to “extras”. Now only the home page works. The post permalinks and pages go to a 404 page. Did I miss something in the change? How do I fix it? …

tagged: wordpress, permalinks May 22 at 16:56
Stack Overflow

I have a wordpress site with wp_posts (content) over 1GB data. there are some content with or only I want to delete the Total tag with those styles and classes. I tried to use update wp_posts set …

tagged: mysql, sql, wordpress May 22 at 20:37
Stack Overflow

I want to restrict wordpress custom role to view only specific users in user list. I have created custom roles (sales). A sales role can view only specific role in the table.

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce, hook-woocommerce May 22 at 12:37
Stack Overflow

I’m having difficulty with a regular expression that starts with a ‘not’ in an .htaccess redirect. I have a WordPress multisite (subdomain install) with a wildcard SSL certificate called …

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, redirect