structure in WordPress

Stack Overflow

I’ve got a little trouble with a woocommerce. I must use custom HTML markup in woocommerce templates. I have searched about hooks and actions, but i can’t find right way to start develop new theme.

tagged: html, wordpress, woocommerce Jan 10 at 13:32
Stack Overflow

I’ve created a custom post type using the example shown here. In my case I’m creating a Career post type for job ads. Everything seems fine. My Careers section appears in the dashboard and I can …

tagged: wordpress Jan 9 at 20:07
Stack Overflow

I am trying to create a custom 2tier carousel style archive. The idea is to get archive years and display it in the carousel bullet style as first tier. When click on the year second tier will appear …

tagged: jquery, html, css, wordpress, twitter-bootstrap Jan 10 at 7:22
Stack Overflow

So I am using BuddyPress with a theme and am editing the profile section so I can add in extra area’s like gallery and posts but I want them to be limited to that user. Instead I am getting every post …

tagged: php, wordpress, buddypress, user-profile Jan 10 at 4:13
Stack Overflow

I’m using remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ ); in my theme in order to disable WordPress auto-formatting that adds paragraphs everywhere and often messes up the layout. However, one of my …

tagged: wordpress Jan 9 at 20:42
Stack Overflow

Is there any way to add downloaded fonts in my child theme? . Because I’m using google fonts and render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content is my problem every time I test my site …

tagged: wordpress Jan 10 at 8:08
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to show products by high int val(meta_key) but the code adds the posts side by side with the same int value. $args = array( ‘posts_per_page’ => $limit, ‘orderby’ => …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, meta-key Jan 10 at 10:49
Stack Overflow

How do I prevent my CPT media from showing when i click “Media” or I’m in a “Post” or “Page” doing the “Add Media”? I have been able to show only my CPT’s Post Media when i’m in my CPT BUT I do not …

tagged: php, wordpress, custom-post-type Jan 10 at 13:25
Stack Overflow

I am currently working on replacing flash-based maps with interactive Google Maps layers. I have the geoJSON datasets and can render the layers. I am running WordPress on a MAMP server, with the WP …

tagged: wordpress, google-maps, google-maps-api-3 Jan 10 at 15:34
Stack Overflow

I would like to know where the file with Woocommerce system messages and text (for ex. – Add to cart, Product Description etc…)? I think woocommerce should have a language file, where I can change …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, system, language Jan 10 at 8:09
Stack Overflow

I have created one custom order status named as “Hidden”. Now in woocommmerce orders admin panel, I want to hide all orders which have order status “Hidden”. Is there any hook or filter function …

tagged: wordpress, filter, woocommerce, wordpress-hook, wp-admin Jan 10 at 10:44
Stack Overflow

How can I add a gallery shortcode to the content in WordPress from within my functions.php code? The numbers I’m using here are hard-coded for trial but will eventually be dynamic. Here is what I’m …

tagged: php, wordpress Jan 9 at 16:26
Stack Overflow

I don’t know why, but my widget switcher for wpml not working. I added custom position using this code <div class=”topbar”> <?php do_action(‘wpml_add_language_selector’); …

tagged: wordpress, wpml Jan 10 at 13:00
Stack Overflow

On my blog page, I have the native WordPress category widget. My question is this: Is it possible to make it so that if a user selects a category then after that page loads they go back and select …

tagged: wordpress, widget, category, dropdown Jan 10 at 6:13
Stack Overflow

I’m using the The Gem wordpress to build a website, and one of the plugins uses Canvas to build out line, bar, and pie charts. I’m trying to delete or at least hide the second part of the data (the …

tagged: javascript, wordpress, canvas Jan 9 at 19:55
Stack Overflow

I’m working on WordPress instance where we had installed both the Asciidoctor plugin (Link) as well as the Syntax Highlighter Evolved Plugin for WordPress. A problem pops up, though, in that any blog …

tagged: wordpress, asciidoctor, syntaxhighlighter Jan 9 at 23:26
Stack Overflow

I have this SQL Query: SELECT *, GROUP_CONCAT(inter_postmeta.meta_value SEPARATOR ‘|’) AS all_data FROM inter_woocommerce_order_itemmeta LEFT JOIN inter_woocommerce_order_items ON …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress, phpmyadmin Jan 10 at 7:40
Stack Overflow

I currently have the code below added to my functions.php in order to redirect the users when they visit my website. The user is only redirected if the value of ‘update_racer_record’ is set to ‘YES’. …

tagged: wordpress Jan 9 at 18:41
Stack Overflow

I am attempting to create some posts to display on a CPT taxonomy page which follow the same URL structure. I have a post type of animal and taxonomy of animal-category, the generated URLs for these …

tagged: php, wordpress, .htaccess Jan 10 at 11:33
Stack Overflow

I have installed the event manager + FUll calendar plugins. For calendar display I used the shortcode as [events_fullcalendar] The calendar looks fine in monthly view. In the Week view the time …

tagged: wordpress, calendar Jan 10 at 9:50