wordpress post

Stack Overflow

I’m running a site on WordPress 4.7.4 and running into an issue where when accessing the RSS feed, all images are relative rather than absolute. This obviously means none of the images are showing up …

tagged: wordpress, rss Apr 27 at 5:04
Stack Overflow

I created a field in a shortcode to set a footer label for highcarts. I got it to save the value set, it groups it with the chart id in the array and i managed to pass the string from the php file to …

tagged: javascript, php, jquery, wordpress, foreach Apr 27 at 11:37
Stack Overflow

When someone fill the amount and his/her details and click on donate button its directly goes to CCavenue payment gateway. How to code this, Please help

tagged: wordpress, payment-gateway Apr 27 at 4:54
Stack Overflow

I recently installed buddypress in my wordpress. When a person registers on my website using registration form a message appears saying that an activation link has been sent to the email address you …

tagged: wordpress, activation Apr 27 at 4:06
Stack Overflow

I’ve a website that is built on plain php but at the same time the database is shared with blogging site (wordpress). In my php site, I load wordpress through ./wp-load.php. In this case, everything …

tagged: php, mysql, database, wordpress, user Apr 27 at 4:55
Stack Overflow

I have a problem. This my php code and its worked well. But how to convert this code WordPress environment based. I saw WordPress select SQL but I can’t understand that. please help me. Anyone can …

tagged: php, sql, wordpress, select Apr 27 at 5:12
Stack Overflow

I want to join wp_posts and wp_postmeta table like this: SELECT wp_posts.id, wp_posts.post_title, wp_posts.post_author, wp_postmeta.meta_key, wp_postmeta.meta_value FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress Apr 27 at 8:16
Stack Overflow

This is my shortcode: function sectWithSidebar($atts, $content, $tag){ //collect values, combining passed in values and defaults $values = shortcode_atts(array( ‘sectionHeading’ => …

tagged: wordpress, shortcode Apr 27 at 2:05
Stack Overflow

Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of that page about the error. Error message …

tagged: django, wordpress, bash Apr 27 at 4:16
Stack Overflow

I’m currently make a child Theme of an existing WordPress Theme. Currently, my theme is set to French. But I want to make English translation. I use Loco Translate for create my PO files. In my …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-theming, translation Apr 27 at 7:31
Stack Overflow

I exported everything from a blog site that was hosted at wordpress.com and then imported to a self-hosted WordPress.org site. All the featured images did get migrated into the media library and show …

tagged: wordpress Apr 26 at 23:47
Stack Overflow

Looking for some rookie PHP direction here. I’m in wordpress, working on a child theme file. Trying to wrap an anchor around a chunk of divs with php tags in them, but the output results in two …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 27 at 6:03
Stack Overflow

I tried a lot trying to get an input field under shipping details for all orders to show only for admin. But when I am browsing on the internet for that, I am getting plugins which show input box for …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress, woocommerce Apr 27 at 15:57
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to make a request to post / upload a new media with WP API v2 (WP 4.7.3). I’m using a Node client (https://github.com/WP-API/node-wpapi) to deal with this. As I’m only getting errors 400 …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-rest-api, wp-api Apr 27 at 15:42
Stack Overflow

I’m trying to get the email value of the selected option on button click to an email form that I’ve made using Contact Form 7. I have the options appended to the select element from a variable that …

tagged: jquery, wordpress, plugins, contact-form Apr 26 at 22:13
Stack Overflow

Pretty URL dont work on IIS after wordpress migrating. I cant access anything except home page. When I am changing in permalinks settings from Postname to plain I can access my posts, otherwise i get …

tagged: php, wordpress, .htaccess, iis, web-config Apr 27 at 9:16
Stack Overflow

I am migrating my website from joomla to wordpress. I know there are plugins available for this like fg-joomla-to-wordpress and CMS2CMS but I am interested to make it manually. I used a lot of joomla …

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, joomla Apr 27 at 14:28
Stack Overflow

WordPress post showing the following result for image. <img class=”large alignnone size-full wp-image-8″ src=”http://localhost/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/t-radio-city-music-hall.jpg” alt=”” …

tagged: php, wordpress, image, src, wordpress-hook Apr 27 at 7:44
Stack Overflow

I’m pretty new to wordpress. I’ve installed Avada, I’m trying to have the sliding bar on the home page to sit above the nav bar, instead of on it (default way). Any idea if it’s possible how to do …

tagged: wordpress Apr 27 at 7:05
Stack Overflow

I have been trying to design news as a custom post type and i have added the necessary code to the function.php page also. But still there are no dropdown list in custom fields section. here is my …

tagged: wordpress, custom-post-type
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol