php, xml, wordpress, custom-post-type

Stack Overflow

My wordpress is currently installed in the root at . I want to load wp-load.php from the folder /random-games/login/index.php I cannot find a way to get to wp-load.php if I’m outside …

tagged: php, wordpress Mar 25 at 18:45
Stack Overflow

Im trying to move a WP installation from a sub directory to the root. Ive done this plenty of times on other sites but im having a bit of an issue. I move the wp-* folders and files to root. From: …

tagged: wordpress Mar 24 at 23:09
Stack Overflow

Is it possible to combine those nginx location directives? location = /wp-config.php { deny all; } location = /readme.html { deny all; } I tried it with location ~ …

tagged: wordpress, nginx, server, webserver Mar 25 at 19:31
Stack Overflow

An old domain of mine has expired and I’m having a hard time redeeming it (long story, not worth your time). I had a WP site running on it which is now inaccessible. Is there any way to recover the …

tagged: php, wordpress Mar 25 at 0:38
Stack Overflow

I am using the Platinum account of IDX and using your IMPress Listings plugin to import my listings. But unfortunately its giving me “No featured properties found.” under the Import IDX Listings menu …

tagged: wordpress, mls, idx Mar 25 at 6:21
Stack Overflow

It seems that the php ssh2 / libssh2 is not available in php7 so easily. I am trying to install it and just cant find any information online. If I run this: sudo apt-get install libssh2–1-dev …

tagged: php, wordpress, libssh Mar 25 at 19:25
Stack Overflow

I have a little problem with a simple WordPress task. I have a custom post type, with its own editor. And the task is to put this edtior (picture) on an extra page as a formular for users to fill it …

tagged: php, wordpress Mar 25 at 16:37
Stack Overflow

I’m developing a certain PHP framework for WordPress, and I want to give my users the option to use composer to install it as a package, or to install it manually. If composer is used, then a psr-4 …

tagged: php, wordpress, composer-php Mar 24 at 23:43
Stack Overflow

I have two valid facebook page URLs. For URL A (the one I want to use), it worked with the page plugin for four days, then quit. When I use URL B, the plugin works fine. When I revert to URL A, it …

tagged: wordpress, facebook, plugins Mar 25 at 13:29
Stack Overflow

I’m fairly new with using WP shortcodes, and I’ve run into a problem. I have tried to make a shortcode, that shows 6 of my blog posts through a loop, but it doesn’t work. When it loads, it just …

tagged: php, wordpress, shortcode Mar 25 at 7:20
Stack Overflow

I’m using the next: PhPStorm, MAMP PRO and WordPress. I create a new database to create a new WordPress webpage, but when i fill all i get ‘table prefix must not be empty’. Of course is not empty. I …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress, innodb, mamp Mar 25 at 8:57
Stack Overflow

Is there a way that this SQL query in WordPress be simplified? Can you show me a valid function on WordPress for this query. Im not quite familiar of the functionality or WordPress function query …

tagged: php, mysql, wordpress Mar 24 at 21:21
Stack Overflow

I am in a taxonomy page, in a custom taxonomy and specific term URL:http://localhost:3000/personas/cristina-aiken-soux/ Also, I have a taxonomy template for this page: taxonomy-personas.php …

tagged: php, wordpress, advanced-custom-fields, custom-taxonomy Mar 25 at 7:56
Stack Overflow

This is my docker-compose file: version: ‘2’ services: db: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: – db_data:/var/lib/mysql restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: …

tagged: wordpress, docker, docker-compose, varnish Mar 25 at 9:00
Stack Overflow

I have installed a plugin which is working but not able to get the url of the page through click on the button in popup

tagged: wordpress Mar 25 at 18:58
Stack Overflow

I want to show all posts from the current author of the post. Here is the code I have implemented: echo ‘<h2 class=”entry-title”><a href=”‘.get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( ‘ID’ …

tagged: php, wordpress Mar 25 at 15:33
Stack Overflow

I am developing one real-estate website using WordPress for one client. Client has given my XML feed which contains properties. I have extracted data from the feed using SimpleXML by creating a new …

tagged: php, xml, wordpress, custom-post-type Mar 25 at 15:49
Stack Overflow

I have a problem using Hide Price Until Login plugin in woocommerce. You can set password to show the price. While i dont give the password on the front page, i cant see the product image.

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce Mar 25 at 19:28
Stack Overflow

I have a problem with the web browser Safari, I tested my website in Chrome, FireFox. The Safari version is correct too, however, when it’s time to test it in a 1920×1080 or above it doesn’t work …

tagged: css, wordpress, safari Mar 24 at 20:53
Stack Overflow

I started using the Testimonial Rotator plugin for wordpress. ( For some reason, in some pages of my website the testimony referenced with …

tagged: wordpress
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol