A Sociology of the Smartphone
A Sociology of the Smartphone
Alexander Koerner, Longreads
Smartphones have altered the texture of everyday life, digesting many longstanding spaces and rituals, and transforming others beyond recognition.
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Should an 8 Pack of Blades Really Cost $32?
Should an 8 Pack of Blades Really Cost $32?
In the salad days of the early ’90s, when Chris Rock was still a fresh face on SNL, Gillette’s Sensor razor cartridges were sold at retail for about 75 cents a piece. What’s changed since then?
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The Amazon-Walmart Showdown That Explains the Modern Economy
The Amazon-Walmart Showdown That Explains the Modern Economy
Neil Irwin, The New York Times
With Amazon buying the high-end grocery chain Whole Foods, something retail analysts have known for years is now apparent to everyone: The online retailer is on a collision course with Walmart to try to be the predominant seller of pretty much everything you buy. Each one is trying to become more like the other — Walmart by investing heavily in its technology, Amazon by opening physical bookstores and now buying physical supermarkets.
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What If (Almost) Every Gene Affects (Almost) Everything?
What If (Almost) Every Gene Affects (Almost) Everything?
Ed Yong, The Atlantic
Three Stanford scientists have proposed a provocative new way of thinking about genetic variants, and how they affect people’s bodies and health.
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Robert Mueller Chooses His Investigatory Dream Team
Robert Mueller Chooses His Investigatory Dream Team
Garrett M. Graff, Wired
From the list of hires, it’s clear, in fact, that Mueller is recruiting perhaps the most high-powered and experienced team of investigators ever assembled by the Justice Department.
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After Oranges
After Oranges
Wyatt Williams, Oxford American
Take a random survey of nonfiction writers today—published or unpublished, successful or emerging—and you will invariably hear some opinion, if not three, about McPhee’s career and influence. Lately my inbox is full of them.
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Why You Should Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
Why You Should Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
Madeleine Dore, BBC
When our workloads increase, many of us decide to up our number of working hours. But harnessing moments of ‘unfocus’ might be the key to getting more done in less time.
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There is no Thucydides Trap
There is no Thucydides Trap
Arthur Waldron, SupChina
Arthur Waldron is a notable scholar of Chinese history and military affairs whose views are often out of sync with conventional wisdom. In this book review, he argues persuasively against a concept that has become a pillar of establishment thinking on China.
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Why Fathers Leave Their Children
Why Fathers Leave Their Children
David Brooks, The New York Times
Yet when you ask absent fathers themselves, you get a different picture. You meet guys who desperately did not want to leave their children, who swear they have tried to be with them, who may feel unworthy of fatherhood but who don’t want to be the missing dad their own father was.
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Want More Time? Get Rid of The Easiest Way to Spend It
Want More Time? Get Rid of The Easiest Way to Spend It
David, Raptitude
Social media was serving, at least for me, as a sponge that wicks up any stray attention—and with it, time—and then keeps drawing more of both until you consciously break away from it. And of course it does—unlike reading, working, physical activity, or real-life socializing, social media is an activity that takes no effort. It doesn’t require any confidence, resolve, or intention, and doesn’t entail any risk.