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Stack Overflow

help me please with my form. I have ajax form here At left sidebar item work such as filter on click, how i can toggle class to element after click. …

tagged: javascript, php, jquery, ajax, wordpress Apr 4 at 8:48
Stack Overflow

I am having problem in author page url. My permalink is set to Plain and i can’t change it because of some other function. Now my author/author-name showing 404 Error with it. Its fine with Post name …

tagged: wordpress, permalinks, author Apr 5 at 12:24
Stack Overflow

I have an existing non-wordpress site on, which has two sub-directories. Within these sub-directories, each is going to have a sub-directory (/blog). In each of these blog sub-directories …

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, multisite Apr 4 at 13:20
Stack Overflow

I have installed this plugin to my WordPress. I can send test email and create abandon cart. But the problem is, I cannot receive my cart link after receive email. System status said that …

tagged: wordpress, plugins Apr 5 at 13:43
Stack Overflow

I’m using this code #main-header::after { content: “”; background-image: url(‘xxxx’); background-size:cover; opacity: 1.0; top: -45%; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; position: absolute; z-index: -1; } …

tagged: html, css, wordpress Apr 4 at 10:29
Stack Overflow

Hi my wordpress site works fine in safari but in any other browser I get the error message: Access to Font at ” has been blocked by CORS policy: No Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on …

tagged: wordpress, cors, font-awesome Apr 5 at 17:20
Stack Overflow

I have the order again button on the order details page. This does everything I would like it to, however, I would like to change a value in the cart item data. For example, when the user first makes …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, order, cart Apr 5 at 12:11
Stack Overflow

Hello i got HTTP ERROR 500 when i create/putting on the Functions.php in my child theme this is my codes <?php function my_theme_enqueue_styles() { $parent_style = ‘parent-style’; …

tagged: php, wordpress, function, dokan, child-theming Apr 4 at 17:42
Stack Overflow

I know that the straightforward way of calling a Sidebar, within the WordPress Theme, is through the use of <?php get_sidebar(); ?> with the sidebar.php file being saved within the Theme’s root. …

tagged: php, wordpress Apr 5 at 4:02
Stack Overflow

I want to find remaining page space for my content. If content cannot comes fit in the page then I want to move the content next page. Actually i am showing wordpress posts. In the below image the …

tagged: wordpress, fpdf, mpdf Apr 5 at 11:20
Stack Overflow

I have the following code which displays the WordPress post navigation but only the title links to the post. Is there a way I can make the whole thing link to the post instead? previous_post_link( …

tagged: wordpress Apr 4 at 15:03
Stack Overflow

Helping a friend’s company with their website. They have a random bit of code appearing on a bar near the top of what looks to be just on the homepage: The line is here …

tagged: html, css, wordpress Apr 3 at 23:36
Stack Overflow

I want to know whether a WordPress plugin has an action to catch the event when a post and all its postmetadata is saved? I use the save_post action, but then all its postmetadata is not yet saved. …

tagged: wordpress Apr 5 at 16:14
Stack Overflow

I’ve got a single site install of wordpress 4.7.3. I’ve got everything set up and going at [domainname].com I also own [domainname].org via a different registrar and would like to point .org to the …

tagged: wordpress, dns Apr 3 at 21:32
Stack Overflow

Im developing a plugin for wordpress which has 3 groups of users. I need disable some users and prevent them from logn.what I mean isnt that prevent them to access backend.I want to prevent them from …

tagged: php, wordpress, plugins Apr 5 at 6:35
Stack Overflow

I created custom post type “Projects” with 3 fields(Name, Title, Technology) in Admin Panel and Added a List of Projects. I want to display the list of projects in my custom theme. Can you give me a …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-theming, custom-post-type Apr 5 at 19:13
Stack Overflow

how can a wordpress blog pull videos from a private video channel and publish those videos as blog post.Everytime the private video channel gets updated,the blog should be updated accordingly.How to …

tagged: wordpress, wordpress-rest-api Apr 4 at 18:28
Stack Overflow

I am migrating a site which will require about 5000 redirects, in a format such as redirects to

tagged: php, wordpress, redirect Apr 4 at 14:09
Stack Overflow

First of all I am sorry if this is not the right place for a WordPress and WooCommerce question. But in the past I received a lot of help from this community so I decided to put my issue here. I have …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce Apr 4 at 9:39
Stack Overflow

I’m working on a WordPress website and I’d like to modify the password reset screen (wp-login.php?action=rp). Currently, the password reset screen generates a new password for the user and I want to …

tagged: php, wordpress
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