wordpress, .htaccess, nginx

Stack Overflow

I’m trying to make the same style than on their doc : https://silviomoreto.github.io/bootstrap-select/examples/ But this is what I have : I don’t know why, because I inlcluded all JS and CSS files …

tagged: html, css, wordpress, twitter-bootstrap May 17 at 13:31
Stack Overflow

I have tried contacting the developer of a plugin ‘WP Broadbean’ but the plugin basically creates a custom post type with various taxonomies. One of which is ‘Industries’ – This is almost like a …

tagged: php, wordpress May 17 at 12:45
Stack Overflow

We currently restrict access to the entire staging site using Apache (2.4.7) ‘Allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’ directives. I am developing a custom tool on a single WordPress page that we want to allow …

tagged: wordpress, apache, ubuntu May 17 at 22:34
Stack Overflow

I have this function and I need to get it working in woocommerce 3.* . It works perfectly in 2.6.* add_action( ‘woocommerce_before_calculate_totals’, ‘add_custom_price’ ); function …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce May 17 at 17:23
Stack Overflow

I am using the Underscores WordPress theme and currently the toggle for the mobile menu displays at 600px and smaller. But I’d like to change that to a larger screen size. I can’t figure out how to …

tagged: wordpress, togglebutton, underscores May 17 at 18:17
Stack Overflow

I need to add a div around every pair of ACF repeater fields entered. I have this snippet of code which does the job for every three fields. Each time I change the number it makes the next div ID a …

tagged: wordpress, advanced-custom-fields May 17 at 2:35
Stack Overflow

i need help here. I have a wordpress web system with referral functions.It is linked to a referral link. But the problem is, i do not know how to extract the EXACT referral link and duplicate it and …

tagged: php, wordpress May 17 at 6:37
Stack Overflow

WooCommerce comes with standard shortcode [product_category]. I wanted to get a shortcode with the same behavior, but filtering per vendor (a custom taxonomy) instead of per category. So I have …

tagged: wordpress, class, plugins, woocommerce, shortcode May 17 at 10:02
Stack Overflow

How To Add Woo commerce custom search form there are two search form first category select box and another a custom product attribute in second select show only those attribute there are alienable …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce May 17 at 12:02
Stack Overflow

My WordPress site is creating dozens of copies of my index page in a folder it calls /page/, so I’ve got example.com/page/1/, example.com/page/2/, …example.com/page/49/ all the same as my index …

tagged: php, wordpress May 16 at 23:03
Stack Overflow

I cant figure out the configurations settings for Yith infintie scrolling. Somebody help me please. Webshop: If you go there you will see a other infinitie scroll but i want YITH infintie scroll. That …

tagged: css, wordpress, woocommerce, css-selectors May 17 at 18:06
Stack Overflow

I was trying to switch from WebMatrix to Laragon and moved my files over, rather than copying them over, accidentally. I instantly moved the files back to the root directory of WebMatrix, just so I …

tagged: php, wordpress, webmatrix, webmatrix-3, laragon May 17 at 18:59
Stack Overflow

I’m using WordPress and have created an own template. I use that template for a custom post type, which doesn’t present its ID correctly. I have to use setup_postdata($better_lesson->post); to get the …

tagged: php, wordpress, comments, disqus May 17 at 9:38
Stack Overflow

I’m on a single custom page template. single-places.php if i var_dump $post or $posts i will retrieve only one post $post will be an object(WP_Post) $posts will be an array (size=1) 0 => …

tagged: php, wordpress May 17 at 20:48
Stack Overflow

I’m using “WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin” in my website.https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-deposits-partial-payments-plugin/9249233 I’ve set it up to provide the user …

tagged: wordpress, woocommerce, content-management-system, payment, cart May 17 at 6:00
Stack Overflow

so I followed this to try and get data from WordPress to display outside the wordpress directory (n.b. I also needed to install the root cookie plugin): How to use woocommerce functions outside of …

tagged: php, wordpress, cookies, woocommerce May 17 at 22:35
Stack Overflow

I got this code in my WordPress theme function.php file for removing Query Strings from Static Resources. However, I would like to be able to remove query strings with different arguments as well, …

tagged: wordpress May 17 at 12:18
Stack Overflow

I want to create a wordpress web site, so I downloaded a wordpress theme, then I activate it, but it doesn’t look like the theme demo. After searching on web, I notice that I have to import demo …

tagged: wordpress May 17 at 10:00
Stack Overflow

I am a new developer and I have a problem. I think you can solve this. I want to show confirm box before delete. How Can I do that this my Ajax code HTML: <input type=’button’ class=”btn btn-…

tagged: javascript, php, jquery, ajax, wordpress May 17 at 12:08
Stack Overflow

I have recently changed from Apache to Nginx server and running a WordPress installation that was migrated onto this new Nginx server. I only just realised that (the server provider forgot to …

tagged: wordpress, .htaccess, nginx