wordpress, nginx, configuration

Stack Overflow

I developed a custom simple module for Divi builder. It shows correctly in the backend and frontend editor. The problem is that it won’t save at all in the backend or frontend editor. When I place it …

tagged: wordpress May 7 at 10:51
Stack Overflow

My permalinks are /%category%/%postname%.html. I migrated from Apache to Nginx. In my config file I added in server{ location /mydirectory/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /mydirectory/$uri.html; } But …

tagged: wordpress, nginx, configuration, http-status-code-404, permalinks May 7 at 15:19
Stack Overflow

Situation: I am developing a wordpress plugin where on http://example.com/edit-order, customer can upload an image, modify the image, resize it and have it printed by the printer. The user will then …

tagged: php, wordpress, paypal, paypal-rest-sdk, paypal-express May 7 at 7:13
Stack Overflow

I have a wordpress page with this custom post types: Movies Blurays Movies has a custom taxonomy (genres) with movie´s genres and Blurays has a custom metabox “Belongs to movie” with movie Id. In …

tagged: wordpress, custom-post-type, custom-taxonomy May 7 at 21:24
Stack Overflow

I am using the WP Types plugin. I have a custom post type for “Books”, which has a child custom post type “Reviews”. My Parent post type has an “Edit Books” Form (CRED FORM) which is used to edit …

tagged: wordpress, plugins, custom-post-type May 7 at 0:23
Stack Overflow

I was trying to display the popup once per page for the WordPress site. I am using custom-jquery for this, here it is if(localStorage.getItem(‘popState’) != ‘shown’){ …

tagged: jquery, wordpress, popup May 7 at 16:55
Stack Overflow

I am trying to use a shortcode inside of a plugin calls ‘Fundraising’, but it interpretates it as a string. How can i force a plugin to accept shortcodes?

tagged: wordpress, shortcode May 7 at 11:31
Stack Overflow

I want when I check 1 checkbox all other checkboxes become unchecked but also every element with certain title in in to hide/show. $(‘.chb’).click(function() { var input_id = $(this).attr(‘id’); …

tagged: jquery, html, css, wordpress, checkbox May 7 at 16:47
Stack Overflow

I try to display some information (Adresse) from My database in a WordPress page using a drop-down list, but when I select an item (Nom) from the drop-down list it displays nothing. I did follow the …

tagged: javascript, php, jquery, ajax, wordpress May 6 at 23:24
Stack Overflow

I want to get the ID of single category in category taxonomy choosen when the user submits the form data Code: $options = array(); $terms = get_resume_categories(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) …

tagged: wordpress May 7 at 17:12
Stack Overflow

I have to Write This Code For Getting Post From WordPress. This Code Write With Vue.js And I Want To Make it Android Application. <div id=”app” class=”blog blog–blogpost”> …

tagged: php, android, wordpress, api, vue.js May 7 at 21:25
Stack Overflow

I managed to add my custom post type to my navigation using show_in_nav_menus = true when registering the post type. However when adding an item to my navigation it is displayed just like any other …

tagged: wordpress, hook, custom-post-type May 7 at 21:29
Stack Overflow

My WordPress was recently hacked and now I’m trying to clean all the pharma links from years of XML database backups. It seems RegEx is the way to do it but I’m no expert. I can’t quite get the …

tagged: regex, wordpress May 7 at 15:36
Stack Overflow

I am currently working on a WordPress Powered eCommerce website, where the preferred shopping platform is WooCommerce. Within the website, there is a Category dedicated to Custom Products. Each of …

tagged: php, wordpress, woocommerce May 7 at 0:11
Stack Overflow

I want to show the main WordPress database to a logged in user instead of just exclude for /wp-admin/ sites: $url = $_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]; $isItAdmin = strpos($url, ‘/wp-admin/’); …

tagged: wordpress, if-statement May 7 at 15:54
Stack Overflow

I am using the following code to get taxonomy slug: <?php $terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, ‘locations’ ); if ( !empty( $terms ) ){ $term = array_shift( $terms ); } ?> …

tagged: php, wordpress May 7 at 14:42
Stack Overflow

I have a video on Dailymotion that I’d like to display on my WordPress website (X-Theme with Cornerstone). I use a Video Player element and when I paste the URL of the video in the SRC & Poster …

tagged: wordpress, video, dailymotion-api, cornerstone May 7 at 20:19
Stack Overflow

I’m working on a WordPress site and trying to apply media query styles to a specific ID: HTML: <div class=”parallax-window” data-parallax=”scroll” data-image-src=”/wp-content/themes/…

tagged: html, css, wordpress, responsive-design, media-queries May 7 at 0:08
Stack Overflow

I am new to WordPress and have successfully retrieved three posts for every category and listed them. I also want to retrieve the featured image for every post. I have tried out the following code in …

tagged: php, wordpress May 7 at 7:40
Stack Overflow

I’m learning how to update a WordPress staging site with FileZilla SFTP, but for some unknown reason, when I download the file through FileZilla, edit, and save a file in Sublime Text and re-upload …

tagged: css, wordpress, filezilla
wordpress , MySQL , Oracol